Digital Radiography & Fluoroscopy Operating Console (DRFOC)

DRFOC is an R&F table oriented digital imaging acquisition workstation, which supports both high resolution DR image and up to 30 fps fluoroscopy acquisition. It delivers the real-time image with lower dose. It is fully integrated with most of imaging components such as X-ray generators, dynamic flat panel detectors (FPD) or CCD cameras, collimators, and DAPs. 


More Efficient 2-in-1 Application

·    Single console for radiography and fluoroscopy applications

·    Quick switch between radiography and fluoroscopy mode

·    More efficient workflow and larger throughput

·    Designed for multi-purpose clinical applications

Intuitive User Interface and Workflow  

·    Fully customization capability and care for OEM specific requests

·    Easily localization to ANY language

·    Dedicated exam protocols and positioning guides

·    Powerful functionalities for image processing, view, review, and print

Wide Ranged Hardware Compatibility  

·    Fully integration with most components including X-ray generators, FPDs, mechanical etc.

·    Support different dynamic flat panel detectors commercial available on market

·    Support different CCD cameras and flat panel detectors in one system

·    Powerful and flexible system configuration tool for new and retrofit systems


·    One platform for all application and reduce time to market 

·    Wide ranged hardware compatibility with 3rd-party imaging components

·    Powerful & flexible system configurations fit to diversified market segments

·    Dose reduction, statistics, and management for more patient care

·    Worldwide installations with reliability & maintainability

·    Self-learning and predictive service

·    Artificial Intelligence (AI) embedded image processing technology

State-of-Art Dynamic Image Processing

·    Auto motion detection & intelligent noise reduction

·    Adaptive image acquisition, real time processing and display

·    Contrast equalization helps to display the image with complex structure nicely

·    Real time edge detection for live images

·    Big data based self-learning and deep learning ability

·    Half pixel and elastic image registration

·    Image content based ABS control


Outstanding Static Image Processing

·    Automatic radiography optimization with outstanding image quality
·    Image post-processing technology "Symphony" integrates a serial of algorithms

·    Contrast equalization helps display the image with complex structure nicely

·    Multiple predefined viewing impressions for each view to meet different preferences


Image Stitching Makes More Valuable

·    Whole body X-ray imaging, long leg, long arm, and long spine images for ortho applications

·    The panoramic image with unified contrast

·    Support auto & manual stitching

·    Integrated a lot of intelligent mechanical positioning devices

·    Cropping stitched images


Dedicated Predefined Clinical Applications

·    Dedicated clinical procedures with predefined exposure APRs

·    Clinical studies covers gastrointestinal, urinary, reproductive, and orthopedics etc.

·    Provides customizable and extendable clinical procedure interfaces

Dose Management

·    Support Dose Area Product (DAP) commercial available on the market

·    Content-based intelligent software brightness control

·    The optimized exposure parameters based on different patient sizes

·    Support hardware ABC and AEC

·    Virtual collimation after LIH allows radiation-free collimation to save dose

·    Dose limit control

·    Cumulated dose 

Seamless Connectivity

DICOM Worklist Option

·    Modality worklist SCU

·    RIS code mapping between SPS and PPS

·    DICOM MPPS (Modality Performed Procedure Step) SCU

DICOM Storage Option

·    Verification SCU and SCP

·    Storage SCU and SCP

·    Storage commitment SCU and SCP

·    Auto transfer to multiple DICOM nodes and transfer status indication

DICOM Print Option

·    Print Management SCU

·    Multiple printer configuration with print status indication